Recovery Coaching

A recovery coach is someone who can assist you in any area of your recovery program. A recovery coach offers an objective viewpoint that may help you identify challenges that can arise at any stage of recovery and that you may not be able to resolve with a sponsor or therapist. Recovery coaching is an effective way to get “unstuck” or even provide the motivation and experience to enhance your recovery process.

Coaching is a way to build a strong foundation of recovery and often can help bridge the gap in early recovery when almost everyone encounters difficulty finding a sponsor. For those who are still undecided regarding twelve-step fellowships, a recovery coach will provide answers and solutions to your concerns and assist you with a recovery plan tailored for your needs.

In later stages of recovery many issues can surface along with other manifestations of addiction that sometimes require additional help. There is no shame in seeking the assistance of a coach, it does not mean your program is not strong enough; it simply means you are healthy enough to acknowledge you need additional help. Some of the problems that can arise are chronic pain, confusion regarding taking prescribed medications, or relationship problems with your sponsor, children, and loved ones’ addiction and/or codependency. Many are not comfortable with discussing these problems in their twelve-step fellowship meetings. Most inpiduals who have been in recovery for a while discover that ongoing growth in recovery is not an easy process. They can become codependent and often have limited resources to cope with this particular dynamic. They also may find themselves confronted with their children’s addiction and discover that their personal recovery doesn’t fully equip them to handle a loved one’s recovery.

A life coach is someone who can assist you in addressing almost any issue/area in your life. This can include challenges in your professional or personal life. There are many situations/problems with home and/or work relationships that can become confusing and appear to have no way to be resolved. Once you identify the problem as being outside of yourself (people, places, and things), you allow these things to control your life and you will be powerless to change—in essence you end up being a victim. I can show you how to empower yourself by learning how to focus on yourself and how to create your own reality. I can assist you in identifying the root cause of the problem, your role in perpetuating the problem, and how to find solutions.

If you are a therapist, clinician, counselor, or someone who works within the treatment field, you are probably in that profession because you have a sincere desire to help others. Helping others can be incredibly demanding not only working with clients, but working with management as well. This type of occupation can be rewarding, yet it requires that you pay attention to your own growth and development. The most important thing to remember is that YOU come first. In order to provide the best care you need to be balanced in your own life and coaching can assist you in finding that balance.

You can be confidant in my complete discretion and maintaining your confidentiality.

Phone sessions are available

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4:00 pm-9:00 pm


4:00 pm-9:00 pm


4:00 pm-9:00 pm


4:00 pm-9:00 pm


4:00 pm-9:00 pm



